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Our Team

Your Preservation, Planning and Design Professionals.


Lisa Craig


With 30 years in the historic preservation field, Ms. Craig strives in her professional and volunteer pursuits to promote historic places as economic, resilient, dynamic, and creative community assets by collaborating with public and private partners to make historic communities the preferred place to live, work and visit. Ms. Craig as ...

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Haley Moloney


Haley Moloney  graduated with a Masters of Arts in Preservation Design (Historic Preservation) from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) where her thesis on the preservation of enclaves within dominant cultures was focused on preserving Native American history with a collaborative approach that will result in a solution to suit both cultures. Before attending SCAD she attended Kent State ...

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Dr. Leslee Keys


Dr. Keys brings to the firm more than 40 years of professional historic preservation experience with government or non-profit organizations in a variety of locations throughout the United States. In addition, she has served as adjunct or full-time faculty at colleges and universities for 35 years. Dr. Keys meets the Secretary of the ... 

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Fran Haig


Fran Haig serves as our Administration Manager and holds a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Brandman University. She brings over fifteen years of experience to the team. From schedules and travel, to invoicing and bookkeeping, she handles the day to day business of The Craig Group Partners. Fran has worked as a bookkeeper ...

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Kimberly (Kim) Rose


Kimberly Rose serves as Preservation Associate at The Craig Group. She works on projects where historic preservation, climate and disaster preparedness intersect. In this role she works on plan development; geographic information system (GIS) components including StoryMaps; public engagement events such as surveys ...

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With 30 years in the historic preservation field, Ms. Craig strives in her professional and volunteer pursuits to promote historic places as economic, resilient, dynamic, and creative community assets by collaborating with public and private partners to make historic communities the preferred place to live, work, and visit. Ms. Craig serves as Principal for The Craig Group.  In this role she leads a team of design and planning professionals to support communities, governments, and nonprofit organizations in protecting the economic value, architectural integrity, and cultural heritage of historic communities.  Her experience in historic preservation, community engagement, and resiliency planning has made her a popular speaker and instructor. She is qualified as an expert witness under the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards. 


Before starting her own firm, Ms. Craig served for seven years as Chief of Historic Preservation for the City of Annapolis. She conducted historic research, design review, and commission trainings, drafted legislation, procedures, and staff reports. She led award-winning community engagement and educational programs and raised project funds through grants and in-kind donations.  She spearheaded the Weather It Together initiative, a Cultural Resource Hazard Mitigation Plan identified by the National Trust for Historic Preservation as a national model for resiliency planning. 


FROM 2007-2010, Ms. Craig worked as project executive with Forest City Military Communities, Washington, DC leading property development activities for the $82 million housing privatization project at the United States Air Force Academy.  She provided technical assistance on design, development, maintenance, regulatory compliance, and historic tax credit activities for more than 350 historic properties within the company’s historic property portfolio. Ms. Craig’s background includes contract consulting to Lord Cultural Resources Planning & Management on historic preservation, cultural tourism, and corridor planning projects; serving as State Historic Preservation Officer for the District of Columbia; working for the National Trust for Historic Preservation as the head of the Southern Field Office and Director of Preservation Partnerships; and leading the Historic Preservation League of Oregon as Executive Director.  


Ms. Craig has published numerous articles and presented dozens of public talks on topics ranging from planning for more resilient historic communities to establishing conservation districts.  Ms. Craig graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Historic Preservation from the Savannah College of Art & Design and went on for Master’s work at the University of Oregon. Nationally , she serves as a CAMP trainer for the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions and locally, she sits on the board of the Stockton Chamber of Commerce and the Lodi-Tokay Rotary.





Dr. Keys brings to the firm more than 40 years of professional historic preservation experience with government or non-profit organizations in a variety of locations throughout the United States. In addition, she has served as adjunct or full-time faculty at colleges and universities for 35 years. Dr. Keys meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in History and Architectural History. She has expertise in research and documentation; compliance and review; preservation law and policy; financial incentives and conservation easements; disaster preparedness and recovery; and community engagement. She has made more than 60 academic and 35 community presentations in 43 cities over 12 states, in Washington, D.C., and internationally. In 2019, she co-chaired the Keeping History Above Water international conference in St. Augustine. 
Her fundraising expertise has assisted 30 organizations and communities in securing more than $42 million for arts, cultural, and heritage efforts. She has published five books and numerous articles on historic preservation, planning, heritage conservation, public outreach, financial incentives for preservation, and sea level rise challenges to cultural resources. From 2008-2015, she served as the liaison for commemorative heritage events in St. Augustine, Florida including the visits by Their Majesties King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain, Havana city historian Dr. Eusebio Leal, Ambassador  Andrew Young, and other distinguished visitors to the historic city. 
Dr. Keys received a doctoral degree with honors from the University of Florida in Historic Preservation and is the recipient of the inaugural Distinguished Alumni in Historic Preservation award. Also, she received the inaugural Roy E. Graham Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation Education from the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation and serves as a Trustee Emerita of the organization. She is a Research Associate with the Historic St. Augustine Research Institute. She completed master’s programs in History with honors and Urban and Regional Planning from Virginia Tech and holds a bachelor’s degree in History, Pre-Law, and Political Science from Ball State University’s Honors College. A former member of the Board of Directors of the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions, she continues to serve as a Commissions Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP) trainer for the organization.






Kimberly Rose serves as Preservation Associate at The Craig Group. She works on projects where historic preservation, climate and disaster preparedness intersect. In this role she works on plan development; geographic information system (GIS) components including StoryMaps; public engagement events such as surveys, meetings, workshops, and conferences; and site visits. Previously, Kimberly served as Co-Director of the University of Florida Preservation Institute Nantucket where she assisted with projects focused on resilience and sustainability in historic contexts. Kim also served as Founder and Coordinator of ACKlimate Nantucket from 2019-2021, which encouraged the holistic adaptation of Nantucket to a changing climate and rising seas through local and global engagement.
Kimberly graduated summa cum laude from the University of Florida’s Master of Historic Preservation in 2020. Prior, she completed her Bachelor of Science in History at Martin Methodist College (now University of Tennessee Southern). Nationally, she serves as a CAMP: Resilience trainer for the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions.






Haley Moloney graduated with a Masters of Arts in Preservation Design (Historic Preservation) from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) where her thesis on the preservation of enclaves within dominant cultures was focused on preserving Native American history with a collaborative approach that will result in a solution to suit both cultures. Before attending SCAD she attended Kent State University where she earned a bachelors' of art in interior design, during this education she focused on adaptive reuse projects in historic buildings. The realization that the field of interior design was so largely reliant on the idea and practice of adaptive reuse is what led her to work towards a further education in historic preservation and preservation design. These two degrees allowed her to meld her passions for preservation and the built environment in a sensible manner. With these degrees she has gone on honing her skills in architectural documentation and assessments of the built environment, in addition to gaining experience as a project manager in both fields. 






Fran Haig serves as our Administration Manager and holds a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Brandman University. She brings over fifteen years of experience to the team. From schedules and travel, to invoicing and bookkeeping, she handles the day to day business of The Craig Group Partners. Fran has worked as a bookkeeper and virtual assistant for various companies all over the US. She’s passionate about traveling to US National Parks and historic sites and loves all things science. Located in Central Florida, she is a proud native Floridian and understands the unique nature of the state, its ecosystems and importance of preserving its historical sites for future generations.




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